
Tools. Apps. Gear.

Here contains the list of most of the tools that I use in my day-to-day as a developer.


  • VSCode - This is my main code editor, it provides me with everything I need, but every now and then it crashes really crazy.
  • Neovim - This is my secondary editor that I use when I need to open a project faster and I only need to change a few small things.
  • Fira Code - This is definitely my favorite font family, mainly because of the font ligatures.


  • Gnome Terminal - It's a terminal that comes built-in to most Linux distros, and it suits me very well..
  • Oh My ZSH - A collection of ZSH plugins that you install once and you're ready to go.
  • Fig - Super cool app that adds VSCode-style autocomplete to your existing terminal


  • Flameshot - This is what I use whenever I need to share and/or highlight screenshots.
  • Figma - I never thought something would replace the Adobe suite for me. Figma did.
  • Notion - My personal OS with all the notes from all my projects.


  • Kindle App - I particularly use the kindle app for my reading, but I intend to buy the kindle device.
  • Spotify - For most of the audiobooks I listen to, I use Spotify.